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On February 1st, 2010 I joined the oil and energy company Total in the Research & Scientific Computing group. I am working as a project manager at the Scientific and Technical Center Jean Féger (CSTJF), in Pau (South-West France). I am in charge of the conception and development of several software for geosciences, more specifically: geostatistics and geomodeling, design of experiments for reservoir engineering, seismic processing, petro-elastic modeling. Those complex software challenge IT systems and technologies in terms of performances, architectures, efficiency, and availability.

Before that and since April 1st 2008, I worked in the IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory as a researcher. I have been involved in the System Management & Compliance and in the Business Services Research groups. My activity was centered on Business Process Management and its applications within emerging cloud computing solutions. Clouds are highly dynamic structures in which underlying components must be capable of handling rapid and frequent changes. My efforts permitted key components of cloud systems (provisioning and asset management) to run highly customizable business processes thanks to a dedicated workflow extension model. During 2009 I was invited to teach "Computer Science and Information Systems" as part-time professor at Temple University in the Japanese campus.

I first arrived in Japan in November 2005 under the postdoc fellowship of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science. I worked in the Tokyo Institute of Technology, with the guidance of Pr. Satoshi Matsuoka. My research focused on autonomous grid applications based on peer-to-peer overlay networks. Ever-growing grids make application development, administration, and maintenance more and more complex. Autonomic computing partially answers these issues thanks to self-management mechanisms. Peer-to-peer networks assure scalability and robustness of a system. Combined, they offer an efficient framework to build large grid applications. To illustrate this concept, I developed an automated monitoring tool for large scale grids. I was especially concerned by fast and efficient information propagation, by autonomous system dimensioning, and by fault-tolerance and self-recovery.

I got my PhD in Computer Science at the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis in July 2005. I was working at INRIA, the National Research Institute of Computer Science. My PhD advisors were Pr. Denis Caromel and Dr. Françoise Baude. My PhD thesis deals about the critical importance of group communication for high-performance and grid computing. While previous work on collective communications imposed the use of dedicated interfaces, I proposed a scheme where one can initiate group communications using the standard public methods of the class. This mechanism is then extended in an evolution of the classical SPMD programming paradigm. Object-Oriented SPMD provides interprocess communications via transparent remote method invocations. The typed group pattern leads to an interesting, uniform, and complete model for programming applications intended to be run on clusters and grids.

Thanks for visiting my page, I wish you a pleasant tour.

-- Laurent